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  • Egypt Culture and Tradation

    The culture and custom of Egypt is truly cosmopolitan as it is the perfect fusion of so many culture and tradition available here. Here the tradition introduced by Pharaohs  is prevalent as well as the tribal culture and tradition and even the customs of invaders are somehow seen present a midst modern Egypt culture and outlook of the citizens. The culture and tradition of Egypt is like a melting pot where multiple culture and ethnic tradition have created a new concept of living hale and hearty and a mentality that embraces new and advanced for creating a liberal ambiance around. This liberal attitude is being displayed in Egyptians friendly behavior toward the foreigners and tourists. If asked, people of Egypt will always share their service and enthusiasm with the people whom hardly they know. In Egypt, besides it excellent travel attractions and cultural ambiance, the smiling faces of the locales are an added charm. All these sweet fragments are the best part of visit to Egypt program, which will remain with you as a memory forever. The Egypt culture immense the traditions, languages, history & civilizations at ancient places
    The populace of Egypt  is the most populous country in the middle east  and the third-most populous on the  African  continent (after Nigeria and Ethiopia). Nearly 100% of the country's 82.5 million (2012 est.) people live in three major regions of the country: Cairo   and Alexandria  and elsewhere along the banks of the Nile  throughout the Nile Delta, which fans out north of Cairo; and along the Suez Canal . These regions are among the world's most densely populated, containing an average of over 3,820 persons per square mile (1,540 per km².), as compared to 181 persons per sq. mi. for the country as a whole..
     In Egypt , family integrity matters a lot and head of the family takes the entire responsibility to run the family in proper manner and with great focus on behavior. The family integrity of the Egyptians is at sharp contrast to the nuclear family concept in West. Here people put special respect for family value and family relation. Perhaps this is one of the reasons, traveling in city of Egypt is safer than any other top global destinations, even for women traveling alone.
    The life style of Arabs is often different and often found enveloped with some mysterious facts. As a result people often find these people mystic and sometime off beat. But in reality these people are truly friend in heart, they love people and greet people with best hospitality. They often like to call people at their home. However, if someone expresses disrespect and unfriendly gesture, these people take it as an insult and they become aggressive.
    The rules and regulation common in Egypt may seem quite a bit different, which can make people outsiders at Egypt at times confused. In order to understand the air of Egypt, you need to learn their culture, customs, and family values. Once you will be able to understand and respect their values, traveling in Egypt will be an added fun and bunch of excitement.

    Commonly, Egyptians are quite adjustable in nature and they love to help people. If you ask them any question, they will answer it happily. One most interesting thing is whenever you will ask something to an Egyptian, he will call some other people to discuss about the question and will try the best to offer you the correct answer of the question asked.

    Most of the Muslims in Egypt are not accustomed to drink alcohol, but hardly have they had any objection in others boozing. But it is important that if you drink alcohol while in Egypt, you should have it in moderation. In Egypt consumption of pork is not that common but the places where pork is available people can have plenty of other options.

    In Egypt there are few restrictions valid for foreign women. In ticket line, foreign women stand with other women in queue. In underground first cars are found reserved for women, elderly ladies always get first preference. Outright interaction with Egyptian women are never recommended, it is always wise to speak to them via someone local or family persons whom you know well.

    Crime in Egypt is rarely experienced and violence is mostly found in family disputes. However, some scattered events of petty thieves and pickpockets are sometimes found here and there. Women in an average need to be alert specifically in out-lying zones. Consumption of drugs is not appreciated and you should not carry your drugs in public if you have anything with you.
    How to respond if an Egyptian invites you at his home

    There is one interesting factor about Egyptian invitation. They refuse all sorts of invitation initially and it is a custom to fulfill their formalities. If an Egyptian decides that he/she will invite you with real spirit, he/she will repeat the invitation again. And it is always good to honor a cordial request. In case you will not be able to honor the request, if asked always promise them for a next visit.

    In case you are invited you should attend the invitation otherwise there is chance that your host will be humiliated. It is always good show the respect and positive view toward the custom and practice of the host and behaves cordially with all people assembled there. If you wish you can take some gifts for the host but check if the gift is equal to his status.

    Tipping is Way of Life in Egypt      

    In Egypt tipping is cordially accepted and often expected. You can offer tips for all the people who has helped you during you travel but do not offer them small coins or notes. These activities are taken as insulting for the people you have tipped. However, your tipping should be spontaneous and it is considered offense to act under some pressure about ..
    providing tips. It is a good way to create some good impression on the people surrounding you. In this context you should not ever attempt to offer tips for professionals or the people who are of your status. You can arrange some gifts for them as gesture of friendship

    Women Of Egypt :

    Egyptian women are known for their exquisite beauty. Nowadays Egyptian ladies in general are well educated, groomed, and they take responsibility of professional world also. In Egyptian society, girls are well pampered by their parents till they get married and get established in reality.
    In Egypt tradition virginity is considered as a prime value for women and therefore women do prefer keeping their modesty and virginity as maximum as possible. Egyptian women maintain their modesty at the most because men also respect ladies who are alert about their social prestige and modesty. Most of the Egyptian men prefer to get married with women who are virgin and value family values; however, there are several instances where Egyptian men have married non Egyptian girls and they are quite different in their attitude than common Egyptian girls too.     

    Most of the girls in Egypt wear a scarf and it has become a common practice these days for young girls. This practice honors Muslim convention for ladies covering their heads as well as it is a stylish way to respect Islamic virtue of conservativeness.
    In Egypt women behave conservative mostly with strangers. They may use western wear and may found managing business and other professionals, but Egyptian women, mostly, maintain a sober approach where their social profile is presented. Many of Egyptian women are found involved in different professional activities with good success rate in Egypt as well as in outside of Egypt. However, wherever they are they keep a diligent obedience to their religious rites and customs.
    Women traveling alone into Egypt:
    Egypt is a completely safe place for women. Therefore it is a safe travel destination for foreign tourist groups of women to set their vacation at Egypt  . It is always recommended that in case of any sort of problem, they should seek help from local shop keepers or form police. However it is always wise to dress properly and to walk on street with common and covered dress. Being indifferent to local men is a good way for avoiding hassle and curiosity about foreign ladies traveling in this country. While planning for tour in Egypt, A woman traveling alone should care for Egypt holidays because some of the building and places may remain closed on those days. 
    Places of Worship:    

    Places of worship are considered as sacred place for Egyptians and therefore tourists from abroad should respect their serious mentality about the places of worship. These places of worship for Muslims are called mosques and the places of worships for Christians are called church. In Egypt, both mosque and churches are found many in number.       
    People follow the rules of taking out their shoes before entering the sacred ground. Women and men are requested to cover up their bare heads and heads. This is always wise to use sober and covered dress specially when visiting a mosque. Friday is considered as the most scared days of the week.

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    Egyptian Arts

    Mother Of Arts
    The arts in Egypt have roots that go way back into ancient times. Many artifacts have been produced over the span of time, and still remain in good shape today. Over the centuries, Egypt has witnessed the intrusion of a multitude of ideas as a result of the numerous invasions, and so much of the art that exists today has been subtly shaped by these influences. Nevertheless, Egypt unquestionably belongs to an Arabic Islamic tradition and by extension so does its art.

    Today, the arts in Egypt, whether in literature, music, cinema, or the visual arts, continue to flourish and expand, reaching new ideas and horizons. In literature, Egyptian writers are the most celebrated in the Arab world. Modern Arabic literature is said to have been shaped through the writings of Yehhia Haki, Yousef Idris, Taha Hussien, Gamal Al-Ghitani, Sekina Fouad and of course the Nobel Prize Laureate Naguib Mahfouz. Mahfouzs writings about Old-Cairo, the social lives of the lower class, the coffee shops, the alleys, have not only won him international recognition, but have altered all together the style of Modern Arabic Prose. Naguib Mahfouzs books are translated to all languages and could be found in every book store. For a thorough understanding of Egyptian culture we would recommend his Cairo "Trilogy".
    In Egypt, music can always be heard. Whether it's coming from a taxi, a coffee shop or someone singing in the streets, you cant miss it. A voice youll definitely get to know is that of Om Kolthum, the most celebrated female singer in the Arab world. Om Kolthum was 73 years old when she died in 1975, and was given one of the largest funerals in history. Her voice is not only the voice of Egypt, but the voice of the Arab world. Everyone from the
    humble cafe owner, to the rich business man, craves this ladys deep strong voice. If you dont get a chance to hear her, do buy a tape or two, you wont regret it. Another classical legend is Abdel Halim Hafez, who is her male counterpart. Again his epic songs about love and despair fill the Cairo air. Unfortunately, Hafez died young at the age of 48. On the other side the new rhythm of Amr Diab, Mohamed Foad and Hakim represent the pop side of the Egyptian music scene. A massive drop from Um Kalthum and Abdel Halim, nevertheless the younger generations seem to love them.
    Visual Arts
    In the past Egyptian painting was represented through the works of Ahmed Sabry and Hamed Abdallah. In the realm of sculpture, Mahmoud Mokhtar wa s definitely on the top of the list. All three artists are now long gone, but their work still remains in the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art, along with the work of many contemporary Egyptian artists. Today, the Modern Art scene in Egypt, works in mysterious ways. Most of the celebrated painters and sculptors can be divided into two categories: those who have little to offer but
    conventional, representational and academic work, and, on the other hand, a more recent circle of contemporary artists who are willing to explore and play with new medium and style. Their work is new, Egyptian and interesting. Try going down town to private galleries like Mashrabeya, Karim Francis, and Cairo-Berlin for the more intriguing exhibitions. Among the exceptional contemporary Egyptian Painters are, George Al-Bahgoury, Adel Al-Siwi, Hassan Soliman, and Mohamed Abla.   
    As for Cinema and Film, Egypt has been considered the leader of the Arabic film industry for over five decades now. Among the celebrated Egyptian Actors, are Omar El-Sherif ( who has achieved international recognition in films like Dr. Zhivago), Adel Imam (Egypts leading comedian), Adel Emam, Nour El-Sherif, Ahmed Zaki and Mahmoud Abdel Aziz ( also a comedian ). The most celebrated director is, by far, Yousef Shahin, who just recently received an award at the Cannes Film Festival for his film "The Destiny". Another talented director is Dr. Khairy Beshara, with films that focus on more contemporary Egyptian issues.
    Nevertheless, Egypts reputation as the leader of Arabic Film, is prone to challenge, and might not last as a result of the apparent decline in quality during the past few years. As with music, the latest productions, involving young comedians such as Mohamed Heneidy, have taken a large step back in terms of seriousness, content and subject matter. Strangely enough, these movies still managed to receive good reviews, and of course, massive support from the young generations.  
    With just a few shows every now and then, the Contemporary Dance scene in Egypt is definitely over shadowed by belly dancing. Egypt is the belly dancing capital of the world. With the local oriental music providing an ideal rhythm, Egyptian belly dancers out-number actors, artists and musicians. Some dancers achieve immense popularity and go on to
    become movie stars. The two most celebrated belly-dancers are Lucy and Dina. Both dancers put on virtually nothing during the shows, and have a lot to offer! You can catch some belly dancing shows at any of the five-star hotels, and the night-clubs at Al-Haram St. You might even want to squeeze in some belly dancing lessons. Furthermore, there is the male oriental dance performed with wooden staves in a mock fight. There is also the Sufi dance, which is performed by some adherents of a Muslim mystical order, and is more a form of worship than a dance. In this Sufi dance, dancers spin round and round wearing brightly colored clothes.  
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    Egypt Public Holidays

    Most holidays and festivals in Egypt are determined by the Islamic calendar; however, several Coptic Christian holidays are widely celebrated. For instance, Sham Al-Nessim is celebrated on Coptic Easter. This holiday itself, however, has Pharaonic origins as a celebration of the arrival of spring.
    The Islamic calendar is a lunar-based calendar so Islamic holidays shift 10-11 days relative to the Western calendar each year. For this reason, the Islamic holidays will cycle through the entire Western year over a 30 years period. Days also begin at sundown on the Islamic calendar so the festivities usually begin on the evening before you might expect them..
    By far the most important holiday in Egypt and also the most likely to affect your time here is Ramadan. The holiday is named for the month of the Islamic calendar in which it occurs as a celebration of the first part of the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Mohammed. Most Muslims fast (avoiding food, drink, sex, cigarettes) from sunrise to sunset throughout the month. Ramadan is generally a time of heightened piety. Muslims who might drink otherwise will often refrain and there is a greater effort to adhere to traditional values .

    The fast can have an effect on schedules with restaurants and shops staying closed during the middle of the day and opening after the fast is broken at sundown. Opening hours for tourism sites may shift as well, closing one hour earlier to allow employees to get home to break the fast.
    Traveling during Ramadan does have its perks. Getting into the rhythm of the fast can be a very rewarding experience. After sunset, the streets come alive and people stay out celebrating and eating late into the night. If you walk in the street around sundown there is a good chance that you will be invited to eat with a group of fastbreakers. Non-Muslims are not expected to observe the fast, but should be conscientious of the fact that most people around them are fasting. Refraining from smoking and eating in public is considered polite.
    Other Islamic holidays
    Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the month of Ramadan and in the cities is marked by big celebrations. Many Egyptians who can afford it take this time to travel. 
    Eid al-Adha is equally or more important, marking the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son in the name of God. Families remember the sheep that he ultimately sacrificed instead of his son with their own sacrificial slaughter. There will be sheep and other livestock tethered all over the cities and villages in the weeks leading up to the holiday, waiting to be slaughtered after the morning prayers when the holiday arrives. 
    A few weeks after Eid al-Adha is the Islamic New Year
    The last major Islamic holiday is Moulid al-Nabi, the Prophet’s Birthday..

    all of these holidays are widely observed. Many bars and restaurants will refrain from serving alcohol during these holidays as it is illegal for them to serve Egyptian nationals. Hotels will likely not be affected by these changes though...

    In addition to the Moulid al-Nabi, which is celebrated across the Muslim world, there are many other smaller, local moulids that celebrate the lives of Muslim saints or holy men. These events are supposedly intended to obtain blessings from the saint being honored, but in practice they are huge social events. Large moulids may attracted crowds in the millions, dancing, chanting, selling goods, and generally having a good time. These events are the biggest displays of Egyptian popular culture in the entire year..
    Cairo, Tanta, and Luxor all host large moulids. Al-Hussein, Sayeda Zeinab and Imam Al-Shafi’i Mosques all host large moulids in Cairo at different points in the years, but there are many smaller celebrations. If you are lucky to hear about one, keep in mind that these festivals are raucous, crowded affairs, full of music, ritual prayers and dancing.

    Coptic Holidays
    Coptic Christmas and Coptic Easter are both national holidays. Coptic Christmas is on January 7th and in recent years more of the trappings of the Western Christmas celebration have been making it to Egypt. You may see more Santa hats, Christmas lights and Christmas trees than you ever expected to see in Egypt around this time of year.
    Coptic Easter also coincides with a much older holiday that traces its roots back to Pharaonic times called Sham al-Nessim. The name literally means ‘sniffing the breeze’ and it is a celebration of the arrival of spring that usually takes place in April. The holiday carries some traditions that might be familiar as they parallel the Western celebration of Easter, such as egg painting. In general, Sham al-Nessim is celebrated outdoors with families enjoying picnics in green spaces and enjoying eating specific foods like a type of pickled fish called feseekh.




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    Natural therapy in Egypt

    Natural therapy in Egypt 

    The Egyptians had a great knowledge of medicines and they were skilled in treating many diseases and pains. The valuable knowledge has been passed to the modern world through the many well preserved papyri which have been translated and have given a very clear insight into the Egyptian’s knowledge of hygiene, disease and anatomy. The Ebers payrus, the Kahun papyrus and the Edwin Smith papyrus are amongst the more known sources of the ancient natural therapy in Egypt. Animal products, plant materials and the many minerals were used to treat the ailments. This knowledge is used to a great extent even today and there are many specialized nature therapy centers in Egypt.

    Places for natural therapy in Egypt 

    Therapeutic tourism is gaining popularity and Egypt is one of the top destinations with its many hot springs. Research has shown that clay in these springs can cure many respiratory diseases, kidney, bone and other skin problems. The abundance of coral reefs in the Red Sea can help to cure different forms of psoriasis. Sinai, Aswan, Helwan, the Fayoum oases, Safaga and Hurghada are main sites for using the benefits of natural therapy in Egypt.

    The Kom Ombo temple in Aswan depicts scenes signifying the importance of Aswan as an environmental therapy center since Pharaonic times. Sand bathing which is useful for curing forms of arthritis can be enjoyed ideally between May and September. The dry weather and the pollution free environment make Aswan the perfect choice for those seeking nature to cure their ailments. The Nubians in Abu Simbel have herbal treatments for many common ailments like common cold and dysentery.

    New Valley is another area in Egypt which has many hot springs, medicinal herbs and sand with curative properties. There are also springs and hot water wells in this place. Many minerals and radioactive elements are present in the sand in this place and for the treatment of rheumatoid ailments the person is buried in the sand except chest, stomach and head. Sinai has the Hammam Pharaon and the Oyoun Mossa which have the world’s highest rated sulphuric water. Oyoun Mossa is known to provide a spiritual comfort with its hot springs.

    Massage and Sekhem

    The use of traditional medicines in many places in Egypt has kept the science of natural therapy alive even today. Apart from many herbs the natural therapy in Egypt also includes many massages. In fact according to ancient records massage therapy originated in Egypt and was known to cure many diseases and physical injuries. Reflexology was practiced on the land as early as 2500 BC. Another ancient form of Egyptian healing is Sekhem wherein the body’s own healing process is used to treat all the physical and mental ailments of the patient. 

    Natural therapy centers along the Red Sea 

    The Red Sea coast has many world known sites for natural therapy. Safaga is one of the best places in the world to cure psoriasis .The reasons for this are the high mountains, the calm sea and the abundance of the coral reefs. The mud in many areas is also known to cure many skin problems. 

    Though the use of natural therapy in Egypt dates back to thousands of years but the hot and dry climate of the land along with its many hot springs still cure many of the ailments.


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    Characters of egypt

    What is Characters of Egypt ?

    Characters of Egypt is a festival held in Egypt which aims at connecting the different tribes together. This started when the elders of some tribes sat together one evening near Marsa Alam to discuss the issues that the many tribes and communities were facing. The most common of all issues was the lack of judicial law. As communities being close, so it became really difficult to judge any case fairly. This led the elderly to come to a decision, wherein a new system was adopted. Under this new system an impartial judge was send from one tribe to another to solve the cases and ensure a free and fair justice for everyone.
     Characters of Egypt thus became as the biggest cultural festival of the country which aimed at fulfilling this one decided aim. The event is organized on a large scale and invites tribes from all over Egypt, The Nile Valley, Sinai Peninsula and more. It’s held annually and aims to help the diverse tribes get connected while exposing them the respective and unique culture of each other. Also, the local and foreign tourists get to learn about the music, dance, poetry, sports, education and attend tribal meetings which gives them an insight about these tribes of Egypt.
    Significance of Characters of Egypt  
    Egypt is a home to 45 tribes who live nomadic life here with approximately 300,000 people. Every tribe in Egypt is unique and signifies a diversified range in terms of customs, language, way of life and more. Every tribe has a contact person who helps in gathering groups of people participating in development, sports, law and culture. The experience is truly an amazing one to help anyone get close to the culture. The event is held once every year for three days.
    The Event  
    The event is founded and managed by Fustat Wadi El Gemal, who manages the eco-lodge, the venue where Characters of Egypt is organized every year. There are many volunteers who help in making the event a success. It was Gemal who decided along with a group of people of putting the initiative together of travelling around Egypt for eight months, meeting the different tribes and convincing them to participate in this event aimed at connecting them together. The festival aimed at making people of different tribes understand that they are all at the same level and share common worries and grievances, which can be resolved or at least lessened only by coming together. The festival helps in grouping together the different characters that Egypt veils as a diverse land and a country housing many tribes together.
    The final Word 
    The three day festival of the Characters of Egypt gives visitors the chance to attend a cultural feast that’s difficult to witness elsewhere. There are many sports events which are held with a friendly mood but a competitive spirit in mind. Also, there are musical events where tribes perform on their traditional music using traditional instruments. In addition to this there are sessions on water conservation, green tourism, storytelling, poetry, and open tribe meetings.
    Overall the event offers an amazing mix of culture and tradition and is for any person seeking to experience an insight into the Egyptian culture, but with a different perspective

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